The Minnesota FFA Agricultural Literacy Challenge is a program that encourages FFA chapters to teach others about agriculture.
The intent of this program is to increase agricultural awareness and knowledge among people of all ages. Some ideas include: educating elementary school students about where their food comes from or teaching adults and seniors citizens about the vast industry of agriculture.
Fifty-Four percent of Minnesotans say they have never met a farmer, but they are still involved in agriculture by eating food and wearing clothes. FFA members have the opportunity to share agricultural knowledge with others, so we can all understand where the things around us come from.
Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom is a program partner can provide chapters with FREE print resources and activity ideas.
Application Instructions:
Fill out the application online:
Submit application(s) by March 15 online.
Please note: Agriculture Literacy Challenge hours will also count towards Land of Service hours.
Questions are to be emailed to:
Applications due:
March 15
Pizza Activity Pages
Other Ag Literacy Activities
Where Does Your Food Come From Song