The Farm and Agribusiness Management Career Development Event (CDE) helps students learn business skills and apply economic principles to agricultural businesses. By competing, participants demonstrate their ability to analyze agricultural business management information, apply economic principles and concepts of business management, evaluate business management decisions and work together cooperatively as a team.
Members demonstrate knowledge and abilities in applying economic principles to agriculture and agribusiness by completing a written test and solving farm analysis problems.
Students competing in this event gain a wide appreciation of farm and agribusiness practices, ranging from business structure to succession planning and from cost concepts to risk management.
Expectations at Convention for Farm Business Management
Official Dress is required
What SHOULD students bring? (Tools/equipment/materials)
Two pencils
Clean clipboards if desired. A writing surface will be available for all participants.
What can students NOT BRING for themselves?
A calculator
Any paper materials
What will get a student/team disqualified?
Using cell phones or smart watches during the event
Sharing answers with other participants
Talking to other participants during the event
What will be provided by the event?
Scantron sheet
Written test
Any other required paper materials
For your specific questions contact:
Chair: Lance Brune
Natasha Mortenson
Minnesota FFA CDE Coordinator
146 Ruttan Hall
1984 Buford Ave.
St Paul, MN 55108