Each year, hundreds of Minnesota FFA members from across the state participate in livestock shows, display educational projects, competitive events, and interact with thousands of fairgoers through the CHS Miracle of Birth Center and FFA Leadership Center.
Minnesota FFA has a long history of 75 years of members competing at the Minnesota State Fair! Learn more about 75 years of FFA at the Minnesota State Fair.
FFA Competitions
Entries are open to Minnesota (and Wisconsin sections 1, 2 and 3 in crops only) students who are regularly enrolled in an approved agricultural, food, and natural resources education program and are active members of the program's FFA chapter, which is in good standing with the FFA state association. Specific age requirements are listed in each individual category below, and additional information and guidelines are available in the premium books linked to each event below.
FFA Crops (field crops, forage crop seeds, old corn) - This competition is open to members entering 8th to 16th grade the following school year.
FFA Judging Contests (dairy and general livestock) - These competitions are open to members who have just completed 7th - 12th grade.
FFA Safe Tractor Operator’s Contest - Each contestant must have reached their 14th birthday, but not their 19th birthday by January 1 of the year of the contest.
FFA Landscape Design and Construction - This competition is open to Minnesota FFA chapters in good standing. The first 10 entries will be accepted.
Agriculture Technology - These competitions are open to members who have just completed 7th - 12th grade.
FFA Agricultural Interactive Exhibits/Demonstrations - This competition is open to any Minnesota FFA member.
FFA Livestock Shows - These competitions are open to high school (incoming 9-12) and post-secondary members. Incoming ninth-grade students are only eligible to show if they are enrolled in or have completed a course in an approved AFNR program for the current year. The following livestock events occur during the Minnesota State Fair. Departments include:
FFA Beef Cattle - Angus, Charolais, Hereford, Limousin, Red Angus, Shorthorn, Simmental, any other purebred, any other registered composite, commercial beef heifer, market beef, and dairy steers
FFA Dairy Cattle - Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Holstein, Jersey, Milking Shorthorn, Red & White, any other breed
FFA Swine - Berkshire, Chester White, Duroc, Hampshire, Landrace, Poland China, Spotted Hogs, Yorkshire, crossbred gilts, market hogs
FFA Sheep - Babydoll Southdown, Columbia, Corriedale, Dorset, Hampshire, Rambouillet, Southdown, Suffolk, other purebred wool/meat breeds, commercial breeding ewe, and market lamb classes
FFA Meat Goats - breeding meat-type doeling, dairy, and meat market goat classes
The Minnesota State Fair Scholarship
The Minnesota State Fair Scholarship was established in 1994 to help further the educational endeavors of young adults from greater Minnesota. Twenty scholarships of $1,000 each will be made available to rural youth or those enrolled in an agriculture program. Participation in the current year’s Minnesota State Fair is a requirement.
Applications must be submitted online. Please read the instructions before applying. If you need a paper application, please request one at (651) 288-4417.
Registration opens in May and closes early August.
Visit the Minnesota State Fair website.
State Fair Scholarship Application
Hickman Rookie Exhibitor Application
State Fair Dormitory Pre-Registration
Exhibitor Documents
Exhibitor Partnership Agreement
Additional Documents
State Fair Results
DNR commissioner’s youth awards
Volunteer Opportunities​
CHS Miracle of Birth Center
Barnyard Attendant